About Us

Blackmore Weather Station

Is an amateur home based weather station located in Hampton Virginia, USA. The Blackmore Weather Station came into existence in May 2005 for family and friends to see LIVE! Weather Conditions at our home. The Blackmore Weather Station is powered by a Davis Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus with Fan. The station has been upgraded over time to now include:

Weather data from the station is collected every second, transfered to a dedicated Windows10 based computer, then uploaded to the web site using a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program. The Blackmore Weather Stations data is collected using numerous computer software to include:


Weatherford, Texas

Weatherford Courthouse

Early History
In 1855, Parker County was created by the Texas State Legislature and named for pioneer and State Representative Isaac Parker. Parker was the uncle of Cynthia Ann Parker, a little girl who was stolen from her home by Indians during the Texas Revolution. Cynthia Ann lived among the Comanche and became the mother of Chief Quanah Parker. The Town of Weatherford was named for the State Senator for this district, Thomas Jefferson Weatherford (1811-1867) of Dallas.

Weatherford Today
The City of Weatherford occupies a territory of approximately 27.04 square miles. Weatherford is located at the intersections of U.S. Highways 180 and 80, approximately 30 miles west of the City of Fort Worth and approximately 60 miles west of the City of Dallas. Interstate 20 runs along the City's southern boundary and provides for major access to Fort Worth and Dallas.

Weatherford is situated such that it has maintained an independent identity from the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex yet its close proximity to this major urban area has had a direct effect. Residents find themselves able to achieve a rural lifestyle without sacrificing the conveniences and labor market of a major metropolitan area. Many Weatherford residents commute into the Metroplex to work.

Much of the City's commercial and industrial growth is directly attributable to its relative location to the Metroplex. The City's major commercial and industrial employers find Weatherford attractive since it offers the advantages of convenient access to the region's major transportation and shipping infrastructure without the disadvantages related to physically locating within a major urban area.

Historically, the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex has enjoyed an extremely low unemployment rate. It has also enjoyed the growth of a diverse economic base. The outward growth of Dallas/Fort Worth will impact the transition of Weatherford from its farming and ranching roots to increased urban residential, commercial, and industrial development.

Weatherford is served by the Weatherford Independent School District.

Weatherford College is a 150-year-old community college, with more than 35 study areas and 19 professional/technical programs. The college was originally built by Masons and was one of the first in Texas.

The climate in this area is characterized by relatively high temperatures and evenly distributed precipitation throughout the year.

Historic buildings
Several homes of the Queen Anne and Victorian styles were built at the turn of the 20th century; some are open for tours, arranged by the Parker County Heritage Society. The Parker County Courthouse is of the Second Empire style.











































Blackmore WX METAR

Blackmore WX METAR


Local RADAR Loop

Weatherford TX RADAR Loop


US Atlantic Coast Loop

Atlantic Ocean IR SAT Image


National RADAR Loop

National RADAR Loop



Regional IR SAT Loop


Jet Stream Loop

Jet Stream Image


World IR SAT

World IR SAT Image


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